The Goode Life Experience 5 Day Heal From Heartbreak Course

Learn the M.I.M. Method of Healing After Heartbreak & Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Patterns

(Without Feeling Stuck and Spending Years On Methods That Don't Work)

$297 $27

Jumpstart Healing From Heartbreak in 5 Days or Less


  • Find yourself after losing your identity in a relationship

  • Break unhealthy relationship patterns

  • Dismantle limiting beliefs

  • Set healthy boundaries and end people pleasing

  • Heal emotional trauma that's holding you back

  • Show you how reprogramming your mindset will guide your healing and keep you from losing yourself...ever again.

Heal your heart and break the cycle of toxic relationships

...without the confusion

...without feeling like you're stuck

Here's what other women have experienced:

"When you explained how having a blueprint is what's needed at times, that really spoke to me. I am looking forward to creating and implementing some blueprints in my life."

~Indira Goings

"The Feminine Magnetism class helped me with my approach to dating. One thing I learned is to “break old programming."

~Neysa Bacchus

"I wanted to work on the person I was as a whole...wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc. I knew that to work on myself, I had to begin my “healing” process. Paula’s course, “The Art of Living Authentically”, is exactly what I needed. Her coaching has walked me through my healing process and opened my eyes to traumas I had no idea I was dealing with. Every module gives me a new prospective on how to deal with my past, how to embrace it, and what I have to do to move on. I am only halfway through the course and am excited to see what the full experience will be like.

I highly recommend the course to people who are ready for the next step in their life. I’m learning what to do to take care of me so that I can be the best version of myself. This course will open your heart, mind, and soul and prepare you to fulfill your purpose. You won’t regret it. You can only go up from here!"

~Joacey Fraser

"Great course!  The Art of Feminine Magnetism was packed with powerful content that was very informative and relevant.  Thought-provoking take-a-ways included connection to our Internal Identity, Next level self-care, and Feminine Alignment which are only a few of the topics presented."

  ~Kimberely Salter

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